Friday, June 08, 2007

Picture blog from the Road - Life of D'Nara

These past few weeks have been a whirlwind!
From Nashville to New York to Ohio to Nashville to California to Hawaii and back to NYC soon to be permanent Nashvillian - weddings and more weddings and vacation and work and car buying and apartment hunting and Pirates. WOWSERS!
Check the pics below. As you can see I came along some pretty frightening things along the way. (Namely Danielle who seemed to follow me whatever state I went to)

Car buying with the Captain. A treat like none other.

Did I mention they accidentally gave us an Audi convertible to cruise Hawaii in?

Jurassic Park of the Garden of Eden...both actually.

The last three need no explanation.


Blogger DougieB said...

Man. Why can't i get someone to pay for me to go to Hawaii? I mean, come on! Look at how many i's there are in it's name! Its ridiculous!

(what kinda car did you get? Does this count as your day-in-the-life picture assignment?)

10:41 AM

Blogger Captain said...

Who is the cool dude in the suspenders. He has a great sense of fashion.

Trivia Question.

How long does it take Diana to chew a stick of gum?

11:51 AM

Blogger Eliza said...

Do you think melungeons have any dinosaur genes in them? If so, extra points for Danara in photographing one of our earliest ancestors.

Also, I hope Billy's Day in the Life montage chronicles his misadventures with his parrot.

3:05 PM


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