Sunday, January 15, 2006

Blogging Faux-pas :

1. Overuse of ridiculous acronyms: LOL, ROTF, WTF? - everytime you digitaly laugh out loud, God rips the wings off an angel

2. Having no point to any entry whatsoever, excluding those that are amusing for the sake of it. This rule is slightly subjective, but i think we can all agree that no one cares about the hard pressed purse decision you made at the mall today is going to make anyone a better person.

3. Grammer and/or Sppelling.

4. Commenting on something simply to plug your own blog. i.e. "OMG, you are soooo absolutely right on that, you should totally read my blog over here! LOL!

And yet, i am writing this post to inform all who dwell within these channels that i have (finally) put up some pictures and notes from this past Holiday over on my other posting board, here. Please don't hate me.


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