Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Reflections on the "Hillman Curse"

Last night I got to thinking about the curse. It's interesting that the Curse of the Bambino was so much in the news two years ago (perhaps, rightly so as the Red Sox may have reversed it), but I have never read anything about the Hillman Curse in the papers. There was also the Curse of the Black Pearl, which was featured in the movie, Pirates of the Caribbean.

I did read something today about the Jefferson Curse. Apparently Thomas Jefferson was several days late to the First Continental Congress due to "stomach problems." That must have been some serious digestive issue to miss two days worth of discussion on the future of the American colonies. I did miss about half of my Business Statistics final during my freshman year due to the Hillman curse, but that just fails to compare.

Anyways, you might want to check out the following:

Click here, and you will be taken to a superior site that provides you with random curses in Shakesperian language.

Click here, and you will be taken to a grand and highly recommended site. It provides citizens with a medical history of every president. Be sure to note that Andrew Jackson had a bad slobbering problem and William Taft was once laid up for several days because a bug flew in his eye.


Blogger Eliza said...

I found it interesting that Marion's own Warren G Harding was possibly thought to have a heritage of mixed ancestry, potentially African American? I therefore submit him as the next contestant for "Melungeon or Not?".

He was also said to have an odd communication style. In the words of H.L. Mencken, his speaking style was "rumble and bumble" and "flap and doodle." Historians are not in agreement, but it is widely thought that he also frequently displayed outbursts of "Ha!" at family events, another widely recognized melungeon trait.

12:21 PM


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