Five creative ideas for your old WWJD Bracelets
1. They make great collars for small dogs and cats-even your ferret can get its Jesus-love on.
2.Turn your lust-a-lot Barbie into a bona fide beleiver with a WWJD "bracelet" headband or belt.
3.At the next wedding you attend, forget about throwing the rice and birdseed or blowing bubbles-toss your WWJD bracelet at the newly christened husband and wife.
4. Hang your old bracelet on any doorknob. It's a great conversation piece.
5. If you have more than six old bracelets, put them all on your next bottle of Coca Cola-they'll keep your hand from getting wet!
Yes...more from the book
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10:45 AM
WWJD=What would J$dollar Do
10:47 AM
I'm a fan of the slightly edgier WTFWJD.
4:30 PM
And just because you had to bring up weddings in your comment...I will be throwing my WWJD bracelets at you come this July.
9:05 PM
Well that would go nicely with the GAP-God Answers Prayer t shirts that the bridal party (including the photographers) will be wearing.
3:46 PM
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