Thursday, September 13, 2007

For blog's sake

Where to even begin.
As many of you know two members of the Cousin Council, J$ and Benver were sent to Nashville on 'business' (and if by business you mean 'CC biznasty').

It began around 2:30pm with a pick up of J$ from his hotel. I did give him the option of a 3pm pick up but he said and I quote "The sooner the better". It was really this line that got the Nashville Extravaganza going. J$ met and approved of Stanley. Stan even did some assistant work for him - some typing and what not.
We ate good pizza and had great coffee and then at long last after some serious stalking found and connected with Benver. Little did they know what was in store. We went to a Christian rock show...or at least that's what I told them. I pretty much kidnapped them and forced them to go a showcase of four christian acts ranging from can guess.

A picture is worth a thousand words..but I'll add my own as well

Here is a picture of a super fan handing the first band a bouquet of flowers. Please note this woman is wearing a white suit jacket with coat tails.

This next picture was taken right after a man tried to stage dive. He was in the crowd and jumped on stage and jumped off. Shortly after he vomitted and got kicked out.

But as you can see by the end of the night not only had Billy and Jesse rededicated their lives to Christ but they may have been drunk!

All in all I'd say that the first tri-annual CC Nashville Convention was a success!


Blogger rachel said...


J$ and Benver look like they had more than a good time. Rock on!

-R woman

1:48 PM

Blogger SanFranFresca said...

Now that's a party....we'll expect a full report at the "big" CC meeting in December! Well
I'm off the check out the Lounge at Star lanes bowling alley in Marion for my 10 yr. HS reunion.....should be classy.

4:36 PM

Blogger SanFranFresca said...

uhh...please note the superfan is throwing the flowers at the band and has pink ribbons in her hair...Way to keep it real Nashville.

4:39 PM

Blogger J said...

One other curious incident: Danara's debit card ended up in my wallet, and she now has mine. It's likely that sneaky Stanley was up to his tricks again.

8:16 PM


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