I would just like to say that it seems like the quality of the cousin council blog has been decreasing since everyone is now writing on their own blogs. Come on--why does everything have to be privatized? Can't we be socialists and share one big happy blog as a whole family??? I've also noticed that certain members have not graced us with their presence (a.k.a.Danara and Doug) on the blog in a long time. Frankly, I think we need to discuss how long you can go without blogging and still be an active member of the cousin council.
I have just sent cousin Danara a text message warning her of the accusations...I presume we will here a defense shortly (and if she tries to pull the ole I was at the GMA awards in Nashville last week know what to do!!!) Not long ago I beleive she was pushing an amendment for the C.C. on Blog ussage and membership...oh how the tables have turned my friends, oh how the tables have turned!
2:14 PM
for the record, i've been ignoring MY blog as well, it's not just a C.C. thing.
but my mug is on the front of Jo's blog, though.
3:34 PM
I just realized that I'm the only one who doesn't have a super hip profile when you click on my name. You all really are some serious bloggers!
4:28 PM
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