Born in Brothels
At Danielle's suggestion, I went out and rented the "Born in Brothels" documentary last night. I had been wanting to see it anyway. Wow--how tragic and inspiring at the same time. I couldn't believe how bright and talented those children were--especially Avjrit (sp?). Did you see his drawings? Amazing. Speaking of adopting Egyptian babies, that movie kind of made me want to adopt an Indian baby! I think Angelina Jolie is next in line though...sigh...
I am so glad you watched and liked the movie!! It is so inspiring...that would be my dream job! I have always wanted to be able to use my passion and talent of art in a means of reaching/healing/educating...hence wanting to go into art therapy. I actually looked into the the organization kids with cameras(which is who did born into brothels) they are located in New York and I'm trying to find out a way to possibly volunteer there this summer. Also kids with camers did a workshop (the same type of thing done in the documentary) in Cairo in Garbage city!
7:30 PM
I think there are lots of cool things you can do with art! While I was in college, I worked for a summer camp in a poor area of DC. I used to always draw pictures with the kids and they just loved it! There was one kid who was so talented!
That's really interesting that kids with cameras did a project in Garbage City in Cairo. Did you go there with Danara? I actually never went there when I was Egypt. I was supposed to go with Danara one time, but it didn't end up working out for some reason. I was thinking that I would like to volunteer there (or somewhere in Cairo) this summer if I'm there taking an Arabic class. Actually my friend Kate wants to come and live with me for a month in Cairo and she plans on only doing volunteer work. I mentioned that Garbage City might be a good place. You could always join us! :-)
10:27 AM
I wish I could!!!!...Garbage city was my favorite place in Cairo, because it is such an interesting place and because of the people especially the kids! We visited there a few times while we were in Cairo...the orphanage that we visited and Danara worked at is in Garbage city. That would be a great place to volunteer or there's the place that teaches young women a trade (i think it's called somthing like the womens initiative??? which is also in garbage city) If you don't volunteer there at least visit and spread some love (which is easy to do there) Did you already buy your plane tickets? How's Hamdy doing?
12:13 PM
no, no plane tickets yet. I have applied for funding to study, so I'm waiting to see on that first. I'm also trying to see if I can be here for Liz' wedding. Unfortunately, the summer Arabic session at AUC runs from June 7-July 27th. However, if I do a different cheaper program, I could probably leave after July 1st. We'll see. I would hate to miss throwing WWJD bracelets at the new couple!! :-)
2:39 PM
Hamdy is doing okay--the sadness kind of comes and goes. I think it is hard being so far away because her death doesn't really seem real and he didn't really get any kind of closure. I think sometimes it just hits him that his mom is gone and that he really won't be able to see her again and that is hard.
2:41 PM
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