Saturday, February 18, 2006

Decisions, decisions...

So I don't really have anything interesting to say, but I was just tired of seeing that picture of Magnum P.I. everytime I opened the blog. :-) I spent the last two days in Ann Arbor for a recruitment weekend at the University of Michigan. Can you believe it is the first time I have ever been to Ann Arbor even though I grew up in Michigan? Wow--what a cool ethnic, cosmopolitan town! I feel like I discovered a side of Michigan that I never knew existed. They actually show foreign films and eat vegetarian Indian food! ha!
So I was there with four other recruits--they were from Harvard, University of Chicago, Berkely, and Andrews College in Michigan (a small seventh day adventist college) Whew! Thank goodness for the latter guy. :-) Just kidding--I held my own with the ivy league crowd. They were impressed of course when I bragged about my melungeon heritage...

I left feeling pretty confident that I'll get accepted--especially since the professor who is in my field of interest (Arabic language acquistion, applied linguistics) really seemed excited to work with me. He was a short, bald, jolly Palestinian guy who turned our 30 minute interview into two hours! but, i also just got word that i was accepted into the PhD program at Michigan State, so I'm really undecided at this point. Obviously U of M is more prestigious, but I'm not sure about the whole moving or commuting thing at this point, and also the PhD at Mich State would take 3 yrs, whereas at U of M, it would take 5 because I would end up doing a second masters. I really don't want to be an eternal student like another member of our family....


Blogger SanFranFresca said...

Crazy! Congrats! What is your PHD gonna be in?

9:42 AM

Blogger Queen Sarapatra said...

it would be in Second Language Studies--focus on second language acquisition research and language teaching. I'm interested in developing textbooks and assessment tools for Arabic foreign language learners, as well as doing classroom research on learner strategies and processes when acquiring Arabic language.

10:36 AM

Blogger DougieB said...

Go Green!

(but ann arbor is indeed a cool town. don't tell any of my college buddies i said that, though.)

11:58 AM

Blogger Eliza said...

I'm taking a learning theories class right now with a lot of international students doing research on second language acquisition. It really is an interesting process. Sounds like you have a lot of thinking to do. I'm sure you will do well with whatever you decide!

12:59 PM


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