Saturday, February 25, 2006

Bird Massacre

Crazy news from Egypt:

One of Hamdy's friends from Egypt called him today and told him that the Egyptian government is basically slaughtering all the birds in the country because they have had some cases of the bird flu. Whole farms of turkeys and chickens have been wiped out (along with the farmers' only source of income) as well as birds in pet stores. One of Hamdy's friends lost a lot of money because the government killed more than 20 of his speciality parrots in the shop. From what Hamdy told me, you can't even buy fresh chicken right now in Egypt--you have to buy it frozen (welcome to American eating!) Is that craziness or what? Actually I founds some articles about it on BBC and Aljazeera


Blogger Eliza said...

There was a short piece on NPR about bird flu spreading to Africa and Egypt specifically. ( Crazy stuff...

5:47 PM


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