Last night D-Nara, Bilver, and I ventured out to the state fair to see a concert...While there we had several intersting interactions....mostly with Carnies. Here's a few of our favorite Carnie quotes from the evening.
1. Carnie taking our ticket while talking on walkie talkie to other Carnie- Well I have this great recipe, and you take cream cheese...(we kept walking so didn't get the rest of the recipe)
2. Carnie yelling at D-nara- "Hey Superskirt, did you just get in from hollywood", (then yelling at Billy) "Hey Slim, why don't you bring those pretty ladies over here!" (danara was wearing a long dress with a native american print ot it....hence the superskirt, and Billy is slim)
3. Carnie talking to me and Bilver while rolling his cigarettes in front of sheep barn-"Did you ride the chair lift...I rode it last year and then got to the top and realized i was afraid of heights...I'll probably ride it again this year, it's only 3 dollars."
4. Same Carnie talking to me while Bilver left to get his elephant ear- Did you see the Llama's...I stay away from Llama's because they spit at me, and if it spit's at me I'm taking it down, and if I take it down...I'll go to jail and the Llama will get off...the Llama will get off"
5. Carnie to everyone as you exit the fair while holding a tip cup in hand and talking real slow and with a slight twang-" Why walk to your car when you can ride the green shuttle for comes every few minutes."
-In other news over the weekend Danara became a proud parent to a 7 week old miniture weiner dog named Stanley.