Monday, August 27, 2007

funny, but it hurts so bad

I stole this from my friend's blog. Perhaps she could win an inner beauty contest?

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Happy Birthday J$!!

May your mane be as full and luxurious for another 29 years.


Give me a holler -- cyrus539bc AT -- we gotta get together when I'm in Nashville in a few weeks. I don't have your email.

Monday, August 13, 2007

The misadventures of SuperSkirt and Stanley

Dear Cousins,
I would like to introduce the newest CC member.
His name is Stanley (also Stan, Stan the Man, Stan the Man Driving the Van, WonderPup, etc. etc.) He is a miniature wiener dog and is 8 weeks old.
He likes to sleep, pee and poop on the carpet, wimper (he sounds like an actual human baby it's weird), play, bite, snuggle and watch The Young and The Restless.
So far since being my new companion we have gone to a couple of bars/eateries, gone canoeing, shopped at WalMart and cruised Franklin TN. He has a special bag he likes to ride in. He thinks it makes him bad ass.
He likes Tennessee so far except that everyone has to touch and talk to him. One man driving by stopped his car and said "Well he is just cute as pie, I could just eat him up!" I had to explain to Stanley that he wasn't serious - it was figurative.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

quotes from the fair

Last night D-Nara, Bilver, and I ventured out to the state fair to see a concert...While there we had several intersting interactions....mostly with Carnies. Here's a few of our favorite Carnie quotes from the evening.

1. Carnie taking our ticket while talking on walkie talkie to other Carnie- Well I have this great recipe, and you take cream cheese...(we kept walking so didn't get the rest of the recipe)

2. Carnie yelling at D-nara- "Hey Superskirt, did you just get in from hollywood", (then yelling at Billy) "Hey Slim, why don't you bring those pretty ladies over here!" (danara was wearing a long dress with a native american print ot it....hence the superskirt, and Billy is slim)

3. Carnie talking to me and Bilver while rolling his cigarettes in front of sheep barn-"Did you ride the chair lift...I rode it last year and then got to the top and realized i was afraid of heights...I'll probably ride it again this year, it's only 3 dollars."

4. Same Carnie talking to me while Bilver left to get his elephant ear- Did you see the Llama's...I stay away from Llama's because they spit at me, and if it spit's at me I'm taking it down, and if I take it down...I'll go to jail and the Llama will get off...the Llama will get off"

5. Carnie to everyone as you exit the fair while holding a tip cup in hand and talking real slow and with a slight twang-" Why walk to your car when you can ride the green shuttle for comes every few minutes."

-In other news over the weekend Danara became a proud parent to a 7 week old miniture weiner dog named Stanley.