First things first. Why were not all members of the Cousin Council informed of this website??? I am deeply disappointed with the disorganization and complete lack of respect for all members of this sacred council. I move to dismiss our current secretary and elect a new one. All in favor?
by the way, who is our secretary?
I debated the nickname, but was worried that "Big Brother" might be spying on me if I went with Yasser Sarafat...I decided royalty would give me some power in this council, so I present myself to you as "Queen Sarapatra" I guess it is good that Jesse is not going by Caesar. That would be a little awkward, if you know what I mean...
So, Hamdy and I randomly chose a new dentist from our insurance company and when we went last week, he happened to be Egyptian! I can't say that I was crazy about having an Egyptian dentist (dentists are pretty scary in Egypt!) but he graduated from U of Mich and was great! However, I almost burst out laughing when I asked him if he did teeth whitening. (Danara may be the only one that can appreciate the humor of this...)
Me: "Do you sell teeth whitening treatments?"
Dr. : "yas, I have speecial kaynd. Make teeth veery white!
Me: how much is it?
Dr. I geeve you speecial price! Only $40.00
Me. hmmm....
Dr. Okaay, okaay, $30.00!
Even Egyptian dentists in America try to barter with you...good grief!!
The incredible part of the dentist story is that this was the first time Hamdy had been to a dentist in 25 years and he only had one small cavity! Not to mention that he used to be a smoker and still drinks a lot of sugary tea and coffee! I couldn't believe it! So much for dental hygiene education..its all in the genes!
Tan't tait to tee tou tall tat thristmas!